Our growth occurs throughout the whole of life. In times of peace,
our spirit stretches out to embrace new joys. In times of storm,
strength and virtue meet to unfurl the beauty within.
Our GrowThru Mission
To provide needed inspiration and practical tools for transforming suffering into a vehicle for spiritual growth; improving individual experience, while simultaneously transcending the destructive patterns that plague mankind.

Motivational Talks
What if… The pain you feel right now, holds out a gift, something you really need… what if it’s your ride out… to the next, greatest phase of you? Tune in and find out!

Classes and Workshops
Are you ready to say: “I take control of my life!”? With the right tools & reliable strategies you can chart your course to fulfillment, successfully navigate through life’s unpredictable waters and reach your heart’s destinations!

GrowThru Stories
Are you feeling Hurt?… Angry?…Trapped by an overwhelming, life challenge? You are NOT alone. Listen as others, just like you, release their stories of pain, courage and growth.

Chanté Shanti DeCampos
Speaker and Founder of GrowThru
Chanté harmonizes her cornerstones: ART, NATURE & Love with her life experience to fill a genuine need in the community. As founder of GrowThru, she provides strategies, support and motivation for emotional healing, seeing pain as a stimulus for spiritual growth.
Talks – Workshops – Interviews
Take Care of Your Donkey!
A witty speech adapted from the Sufi poet, Rumi
This is Me!
An art project for youth – interactive talk about healthy tolerance
Gratitude – A Gateway to Wholeness
An introduction to the gratitude journal
The Nurturer’s Dilemma
An exploration of the value of self love designed for mothers
Be well
Top 10 Taze Tips
B….Budget your time
T….Tune into your body
A….Appreciate the good
Z….Zealously apply yourself
E….End blame
T….Tame your rage
U….Understand your core values
R….Release fear
A….Allow Nature to nourish you
N….Nurture your spiritual growth
Contact Us
Ask a question or inquire about booking a talk at your organization.